Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Gave Up MySpace for Lent.....

For my second topic for my research journal I have decided to focus on online social networking. This topic is very broad, and so I’ve decided to narrow my research down to just a few key elements of what are some of the negatives and benefits of social networking. My first resource is the journal article “I gave up MySpace for Lent: New Teachers and Social Networking Sites” By William Kist a teacher at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. The article presents a negative approach to social networking, but also has a way that we could fix it or to also to have a way to better protect ourselves from these problems occurring. It also shows how society is applying pressure to teachers to remove their social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace in case a student finds their site and it has material deemed inappropriate and could have a serious impact on ones career. “Principles are googling for information on undergrads before they are allowed into their buildings for student teaching.” [1] This implies that this is just the beginning of what is too come with future implications on teachers and their use of web 2.0. Soon all teachers will be forced to remove themselves from social networking sites and this article presents evidence that this is just the beginning that more changes and problems will occur from online social networking.

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