Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friendship? Friend Request?

So I found this journal article that relates solely on the positives of social networking, it’s called How to Win at Social Networking by communications scholar Jeffery Hancock, who believes “Cyberspace friendships form over common interests just as they do in real life.” [2] Without the use of social networking sites it’s harder for some to find common interests, with having a social page it makes it easier to find those common interests because they are listed for your taking to do with what you need. Social networking can have a positive influence in your life, yes you must be careful but this article demonstrates that it can be fun and can lead into more powerful things like love or a great friendship. With greater research it has been found that emotions can be travelled along social networking sites that you don’t have to constantly be in front of a person to display this. Some may fear that this is fallback and will limit face to face contact and more time in front of a computer. This article shows that there are positives to social networking you just may not have realised it yet.

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