Cyber Bullying Podcast..
This podcast is an interview with the general manager of netalert Ms Lara MacDonnell; she discusses the recent findings of the “surveys of kids and parents about on internet safety conducted by netalert Australia internet safety advisory body and their co-operative community partner ninemsn found that cyber bullying in Australia is now starting as early primary schools.” This is alarming not only to teachers but to parents and other Australians, this implies that something must be done as the feel of this podcast is that this is a serious issue, with the use of statistics you have a clearer image just how serious cyber bullying is. Lara MacDonnell states "that with the survey the results were quite high with 16% of girls have been bullied online and with 14% of girls being bullied through their mobiles, but the astounding fact is that only 7% of parents even knew that cyber bullying was occurring with their children." With this type of media message it makes a clear and defining statement that work needs to be done to fix this fast emerging problem.
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